November 30, 2015: Iranian authorities arrested several protestors outside of Evin Prison in Tehran this past Saturday.
The detention of political prisoners was the focus of the protest, evident by those in attendance at the rally. Among the detainees was Hashem Zinali, father of a student activist who was arrested in July 1999 and has since been missing. Oher protestors arrested included Simin Eyvazzadeh, the mother of a political prisoner and Reza Maleki, a former political prisoner. Several students of Ali Taheri, yet another political prisoner, were also arrested by the IRGC.
After being detained, the protestors were transferred to various detention centers. IRGC authorities have not released any information regarding the protestors or the charges under which they’re being held.
While the detention locations of some protestors have been identified, the whereabouts of Reza Maleki and Hashem Zainali remain unknown.