While everyone agrees that Iran must not be allowed to produce nuclear weapons, some go further and say that if the world’s number one supporter of terrorism is allowed to produce nuclear weapons, no other state can be denied to own them.
Critics say that the nuclear agreement makes Iran a threshold nuclear weapons state and that Iran must only wait for the “sunset clause” and it will be permitted to produce nuclear weapons.
They believe that Mideast politics cannot permit Iran to be the sole regional possessor of nuclear weapons. In fact, other states such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt, are already making covert preparations to go nuclear.
Proliferation will result in a world of nuclear horror and chaos. So says Robert R. Monroe, retired U.S. Navy vice admiral, and former director of the Defense Nuclear Agency in his article for the Washington Times.
“Given the tinderbox nature of the Mideast today — Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Kurdish regions, ISIS, Iraq, Yemen — the nuclear proliferation race will be intense. It will be accelerated by three factors: first, the regional nuclear fright in Northeast Asia; second, the increasing availability of fissile material from reactor growth in developing nations (some of which is intended for weapons purposes); and third, the startlingly rapid increase in international availability of intercontinental ballistic missile technology. No state will be safe without nukes,” he says.
Monroe believes hope lies in immediate, forceful action by America, who must use military force to prevent Iran and North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
“Immediately withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement. Formally advise Iran that if it does not dismantle all its nuclear facilities, we will do it with military force. As an initial element of the negotiating process, demolish the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. Be generous with the carrots, but use the stick without delay if needed,” he advises.
Monroe believes that by taking these two actions, America can temporarily stop proliferation, and the world can remain stable at eight states with nukes, with future diplomacy working to make it five.