In Solidarity with the striking political prisoners in the Gohardasht Prison, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance organized demonstrations and rallies in different cities of the world, including Los Angeles (U.S.), Berlin and Hamburg (Germany), London (U.K.), Stockholm and Gothenburg (Sweden), Oslo (Norway), Copenhagen, Aarhus (Denmark), The Hague (Netherlands), Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver (Canada).
The protest of the Resistance supporters in Los Angeles was held in front of the Federal Building on Saturday, August 19th. In this rally, where the members of the National Council of Resistance were participating, Filabi and Amir Aram delivered their speeches, and the statement issued by a group of former political prisoners in solidarity with the striking prisoners was announced.
In Berlin, on Aug. 26, freedom-loving Iranians protested in front of the Brandenburg Gate. The protesters, some of whom were on a hunger strike, urged human rights defenders and freedom-loving people to support prisoners in Gohardasht Prison. Iranian communities which were part of the protests asked the German government in their statement not to keep silent of this injustice and take steps towards preventing the crimes that the mullahs’ regime committed.
“The Tehran dictatorship is weak engulfed with crises. It is hated by the people and wants to hide this weakness by showing power in the face of defenseless of political prisoners,” said Leo Dautzenburg, a former member board of directors of the Christian Democratic Presidency in the German Federal Assembly.
The gathered protesters urged the German government and the European Union to convene a United Nations investigation commission on the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 2008 and to prosecute and punish those who are responsible for these massive crimes. The demonstration of mass executions that was staged by a number of young people greatly influenced the protesters in the rally.
Resistance supporters in Hamburg gave their support for the striking prisoners by organizing a one-day hunger strike. In this gathering, the statement by the German Committee in Solidarity with Free Iran was read in solidarity with the striking prisoners of Gohardasht.
In the gathering of the Resistance supporters in Oslo, Parviz Khazaie, who is the representative of the National Council for Resistance in Nordic countries, showed his support and solidarity of the Iranian Resistance with the political prisoners on hunger strike.
In Canada, the Iranian Resistance supporters in Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver announced a one-day hunger strike. They respected the prisoners’ persistence by holding torches and the prisoners’ pictures.
In Netherlands, the freedom-loving Iranians went on a hunger strike in The Hague to show their solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike, in a rally staged on Saturday. They hanged the prisoners’ pictures from their neck.
At the gathering in London, the freedom-loving Iranians, while presenting images of striking prisoners, organized a book-desk to expose the intensified pressure and repression against prisoners.
A rally was also organized in Stockholm (Sweden), where the freedom loving Iranians held an exhibition in support of the Justice-Seeking Movement and political prisoners and went on a hunger strike. An exhibition was also organized Gothenburg. Supporters of the Resistance in the cities of Malmö and Bruce in Sweden and Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark organized protest rallies and photo exhibitions in solidarity with striking prisoners.